What is Dry Ice Blasting?

Environmentally Responsible Cleaning & Surface Preparation

What is Dry Ice Blasting?

Dry ice cleaning is similar to sand, bead and soda blasting in that it prepares and cleans surfaces using a media accelerated in a pressurized air stream. It differs in that dry ice cleaning uses solid CO2 pellets or MicroParticles, which are blasted at supersonic speeds and sublimate on impact, lifting dirt and contaminants off the underlying substrate.


Impact of pellets creates a kinetic energy effect. The soft dry ice is accelerated by compressed air through specially designed nozzles at supersonic speeds.


Cold temperature of dry ice pellets creates a thermal effect. The temperature of dry ice (-109F/- 78.5C) causes the contaminant to embrittle. This helps break the
bond between the substrate and the contaminant.


Expansion of the dry ice pellets. Dry ice pellets sublimate upon impact, volumetrically expanding in size by 800%, removing the contaminant.


Because dry ice is non-abrasive and turns to gas, you are left only with a clean surface that extends the asset life of your mold.

Benefits Of Dry Ice Blasting

The method is safe, non-toxic, prevents long-lasting contamination and reduces exposure to dangerous chemical cleaners.

The dry ice blasting process uses non-abrasive media in the form of recycled CO2 pellets that won’t damage the surfaces of the boards. The combination of dry ice cleaning’s kinetic energy and thermal effects break the connection between the dirt and surface, lifting away contaminants.

The substantial time it takes to disassemble and reassemble certain parts is greatly reduced, as dry ice blasting allows detailed cleaning in tight spaces. Because there is no secondary waste, there is no need to worry about particles left behind.

Dry ice blasting does not damage or alter delicate surfaces. Integrating dry ice into a blasting cabin completely eliminates the impact of the production environment.

The dry ice blasting process is non-abrasive, easily removing old paint without causing any mechanical damage to the boards. This high level of accuracy was not possible with manual cleaning methods.

Dry ice blasting is a user-friendly method that was readily accepted by employees. It was easily integrated in their usual processes with very little adaptation.

The process is also safer for employees, who are no longer exposed to harmful cleaning chemicals.

Why it’s Better

The unique characteristics of dry ice make it the perfect cleaning media. Dry ice is non-abrasive
and non-conductive and will not damage surfaces or equipment. It sublimates on impact,
leaving behind no secondary waste. It is non-toxic and safe for employees.
These attributes make dry ice cleaning an efficient, cost effective and environmentally
responsible cleaning solution.

A Versatile Clean 

Dry ice pellets

• 3mm in size (roughly rice sized)
• High density
• Used for a more aggressive clean, getting rid of the most stubborn

Dry ice MicroParticles

• Sugar-sized particles (~0.3mm)
• Used to clean delicate and sensitive surfaces
• Less aggressive than pellets
• More media strikes the surface per second and per square inch
• Increased coverage area
• Less air power is needed to accelerate dry ice (less noise)

*MicroParticles are the result of shaving dry ice (pellets, block, etc)
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Who uses Dry Ice Cleaning

The power of Cold Jet dry ice innovation brings winning solutions to a diverse list of industry leaders around the globe.

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Dry Ice Prodution Solutions
CO2 Solutions Sdn Bhd 
Certified distributor - Malaysia & Brunei
No. 9, Jalan SS26/8, Taman Mayang Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
+60 19 395 3000