Contract cleaners grow their businesses with dry ice blasting
Dry ice blasting is an ideal solution for contract cleaners.
Dry ice blasting for contract cleaning is an environmentally responsible and non-abrasive alternative to traditional cleaning methods. It is a faster and more effective process that does not produce secondary waste, which minimizes containment setup and eliminates the timely and costly task of waste collection and disposal.
By utilizing dry ice blasting, contractors perform projects with less people and in less time, improving the bottom line. Dry ice blasting is used for a wide range of projects and for general maintenance and facility cleaning in a multitude of industries around the world.
A more effective solution to your cleaning, remediation and restoration projects
The unique characteristics of dry ice make it the perfect cleaning media for contractors. Dry ice is non-abrasive and will not damage surfaces, non-toxic and safe for operators, environmentally responsible and eliminates the use of caustic chemicals. Dry ice also sublimates (turns from solid back to gas) upon contact with a surface, leaving no secondary waste stream that must be contained, collected and disposed. These characteristics allow contract cleaners to improve margins on a wide range of projects.
Mold remediation
General facility cleaning and maintenance
Power generation facilities
Fire restoration
Historical restoration
Comprehensive facility cleaning during shutdowns
Food and beverage facilities
Oil and gas facilities
Our machines provide long-term value at lower costs
Not all dry ice blasters are created equal. When making a capital investment, it is important to consider the expected return on investment (ROI) as well as the revenue the machine can generate. With Cold Jet machines, our customers achieve a quicker ROI and generate more value from their investment.
Lowest total cost of ownership (TCO)
Quickest ROI with optimal use
Highest performing machines
Longest machine life
Only machines to be IoT enabled
Unmatched accessory offerings
Lowest consumable consumption (dry ice, air pressure supply and electricity)
We are local. Everywhere. All the time.
Preserving the integrity of our machines is of paramount importance to maintaining their durability. That’s why we have invested heavily in our customer service platform. Our team will ensure that each customer’s investment retains its quality and high performance throughout its life span. No brand comes close to matching our level of service or resources.
13 service centers located in 10 countries
Available 24/7, 365 days a year
Largest install base of human technical resources
Remotely monitor and diagnose each machine
Largest inventory of spare parts
We are the OEM
We designed and engineered the systems and parts – we know how to find solutions
Interested, but not sure where to start?
Contact us today to learn more about dry ice blast cleaning solutions and dry ice production.